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發(fā)布時間:2019-01-08 11:30 編輯:GC023 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)
Tendeka推出FloSure新一代自適應(yīng)流入控制裝置。編譯 | 大安 TOM?自適應(yīng)流入控制裝置(AICDs)是新一代流入控制技術(shù),它不僅可以提供更穩(wěn)定的入流剖面以及更高的產(chǎn)量,而且能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)自動化。Tendeka的FloSure自適應(yīng)流入



編譯 | 大安 TOM?


Tendeka公司的FloSure AICD可完全互換,現(xiàn)場調(diào)試,適用于各種應(yīng)用。作為下部完井的一部分,AICD利用分層隔離封隔器將油藏劃分為多個部分,該AICD可與軟地層的防砂篩管相集成。

FloSure AICD防砂篩管類型

1、FloSure Elite是該產(chǎn)品系列的輕質(zhì)型號,采用更輕的金屬網(wǎng),特殊的設(shè)計能在保證性能與強度的同時,還可降低成本。它適用于大多數(shù)現(xiàn)場應(yīng)用。

2、FloSure Ultra具有極佳的防砂能力并可容許微細砂通過。優(yōu)質(zhì)的設(shè)計采用五層金屬網(wǎng)過濾系統(tǒng),可實現(xiàn)支撐、排水、過濾、聚集與保護。創(chuàng)新型緊壓密封組件能夠確保優(yōu)質(zhì)網(wǎng)格層達到最高的抗外擠與抗內(nèi)壓能力,并形成一個強大的、牢固的篩管。該篩管在地面機械組裝,可穿過套管開窗,下入并安裝于大狗腿度的井眼。

3、Tendeka公司的FloSure Direct繞絲篩管系列包括傳統(tǒng)的滑套式與纏繞式管柱。管套可根據(jù)需求提供標準316LSS或CRA合金材質(zhì)。繞線型材采用耐用設(shè)計,可實現(xiàn)最大的抗腐蝕性。繞絲篩管通過端箍收縮安裝在穿孔的基礎(chǔ)管上,提供最大強度以承受高剪切、擠壓與扭矩載荷。

4、FloSure Compact滑套式防砂篩管可提供防砂功能,同時還可在現(xiàn)場靈活調(diào)整。



FloSure AICD短節(jié)可與Tendeka系列機械或可膨脹式封隔器一起使用,并可根據(jù)客戶要求提供合適的入流剖面。











FloSure AICD Screens & Subs

Autonomous?Inflow Control?Devices (AICDs) are the next generation of inflow control technology which not only provides a more uniform inflow profile and enhanced production but they do this autonomously.? Our FloSure Autonomous Inflow Control Device (AICD) is a proven solution for increasing oil production over the life of the field. It has been deployed successfully in light and heavy oil wells to overcome water or gas breakthrough and ensure uniform production longevity. The device preferentially chokes unwanted produced fluids whilst promoting production of oil from the entire length of the well.

Tendeka’s?FloSure AICDs?are fully interchangeable, field adjustable and engineering for a wide range of applications.? Deployed as part of the lower completion using zonal isolation packers to divide the reservoir into compartments, the AICD can be integrated with sand control screens for soft formations.? ?Tendeka offers the following FloSure AICD sand screen options:

FloSure Eliteis the lighter version of the product line with a lighter metal mesh which has been specifically engineered to reduce costs whilst maintaining performance and strength.? It is rated for most field applications.FloSure Ultraoffers the ultimate in sand retention and fines tolerance.? The premium design features a five-layer metal mesh filtration system for support, drainage, filtration, convergence and protection.? The innovative pressure-fit assembly ensures the premium mesh layers achieve the highest burst and collapse rating, and results in a mechanically robust screen.? This can be mechanically handled at surface and deployed through milled windows and tight doglegs downhole.Tendeka’s FloSure Directwire wrapped screens range offers both conventional slip-on and wrap-on pipe variations. Jackets are available in standard service 316LSS or CRA alloy as required. ?Wire profiles are available with a heavy-duty design for maximum erosion resistance. ?Wrapped screens are shrink fitted to the perforated base pipe via the end-rings, providing maximum strength to withstand high shear, compaction and torque loads.FloSure Compactslip-on sand screen provides sand control whilst allowing flexibility to re-dress on site.

FloSure Shrouded Subs

Tendeka’s Autonomous Inflow Control Device can also be integrated within short subs for harder formations.? In conventional production wells, fluids tend to cone at the heel of the well.?This can lead to early water or gas break,?resulting?in lost recovery, lost revenues?and reduced?well life.?Evening out the inflow profile results in better coning control, thereby delaying the water or gas breakthrough.

FloSure AICD subs can be used along with the Tendeka range of?mechanical or swellable packers?and appropriate inflow profile as per client requirements.

Case Study:

FloSure AICD improves heavy oil cold production in Western Canada


This is a mature, brownfield play that has been developed for 30+ years. Wells in this area have a very high water cut, often above 99% for many years. The reservoir is supported by a strong water aquifer, so the pressure is high, but the oil/water mobility ratio keeps oil production low.

The operator requested a fit-for-purpose completion to be developed that would be economical in this challenging heavy oil environment. The goal was to reduce water production and increase oil rates with an AICD completion system for both new wells and retrofits.

Tendeka Solution

A horizontal completion can be segregated into stages (10-30 per well) by Tendeka’s low-temp, hybrid swellable packers, and each of these stages is controlled by AICD valves. Regardless of where the water is entering the wellbore (heel area, high-permeability streaks, swept zones, proximity to the oil-water-contact), each stage autonomously controls and limits the volume of water that can enter through the AICD. This allows for higher pressure drawdowns to be applied to the zones that are “drier”, allowing for increased oil production and lower water volumes.

Economically speaking, advanced inflow control technology is often considered overly expensive for low-rate heavy oil wells with no thermal injection. However, a single AICD valve with low-cost sand screens and packers allowed us to design an open-hole AICD completion solution that was virtually cost neutral vs. a traditional cemented and perforated wellbore.Tendeka’s new hybrid swell rubber compound was extensively tested to optimise its reaction in low temperature conditions. This advanced compound is activated by both oil and water, and has the fastest swell

performance at temperatures as low as 30°C. With more than a dozen AICD-completed wells now online, there is considerable evidence that these multi-stage AICD completions consistently control water cut and improve oil production. The onset of water is delayed, and it is limited, allowing for a more aggressive production strategy to accelerate recovery and improve the return on investment by up to 250%.

Project results

Well designs were modified, and production strategies were tweaked to optimise deliverability, with the results being truly significant. Oil production is increased by 150-250%, and water volumes are reduced by 40-50%. The overall result is a return on investment that is improved by more than 250% per well, with a far lower risk of water problems. – New wells are completed with 4-1/2” AICD screens and swellable packers – Older wells are re-completed with 2-7/8” AICD subs and swellable packers – PCP pump selection is optimised to produce wells with higher drawdown, lower total fluid volumes – Reduced water production per well, allows more wells to be produced into surface facilities – Wells can be drilled through depleted/swept zones in the reservoir and maintain productivity


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