

您的當前位置: 鋼鐵產品網?鋼板>上海鋼板>武鋼 HJ58D 高溫風機、大型電鏟用鋼 是什么材料,是什么牌號

武鋼 HJ58D 高溫風機、大型電鏟用鋼 是什么材料,是什么牌號

6850.00 / 噸



經營范圍: 電鏟、 牌號、 風機、 高溫、 材料、


           我公司是一家以經營《鋼材》為主,集倉儲、開平、分條等剪切配送為一體的綜合性公司。位于上海北部距離***競爭力的鋼鐵企業(yè)寶鋼集團僅2公里,借靠寶鋼集團生產高技術含量、高附加值鋼鐵精品。 主營寶武鋼鐵:寶鋼股份,武鋼,梅鋼,湛江,馬鋼 (熱軋板卷)各種牌號(期貨)資源。 主要:汽車鋼,高強鋼(工程機械用鋼,熱處理回火調質鋼板)防彈鋼,雙相鋼,高擴孔鋼,耐候鋼,耐酸鋼,橋殼鋼,中高碳鋼,攪拌車筒,合金鋼(精沖壓延用鋼),耐磨鋼,管線鋼等。 目前與國內多家大型企業(yè)長期合作,我司擁有雄厚的資金實力,能為貴我雙方提供更好的合作關系、合作橋梁,共創(chuàng)輝煌!                           聯(lián)系人:孫銳  聯(lián)系電話:021-36071066兼?zhèn)髡? 24小時服務電話: 18019288886(兼微信)  郵箱:329826143@qq.com QQ:329826143 網址: 地址:上海市寶山區(qū)春和路1088號 工程機械用鋼Construction Machinery Steel 本系列產品強度高、塑性好,性能穩(wěn)定;尺寸精度高,板形好,表面光潔。 This series of products has high strength, perfect plasticity, stable performance, high dimensional accuracy, good shape and smooth surface. 可供牌號、供貨標準及用途Available Steel Brand, Delivery Standard & Function

按用途分類By function 牌? Brand 供貨標準 Delivery standard 特點及推薦用途Features & function
低碳貝氏體鋼Low-carbon bainitic steel DB590 WJX( RZ )212 高強度、高韌性、優(yōu)良的焊接性能和冷成型性能,用于 制作高強度工程機械焊接結構件,如起重機吊臂、支 腿、車架等。 With high strength, high toughness, excellent welding per- formance and cold forming properties, it is used for manufacturing high strength construction machinery welding parts, such as crane boom, landing leg, frame and so on.
DB685 WJX(RZ)170
低合金焊接結構鋼 Low-alloy welded structural steel HJ58C HJ58D HJ58E WJX(RZ)15 具有優(yōu)良的綜合性能,廣泛用于工程機械構件和煤礦 液壓支架等。 It has excellent comprehensive properties and is widely used in construction machinery components and coal mine hydraulic support.
高強度焊接結構鋼High-strength welded structural steel HG70C HG70D HG70E WJX(RZ)158 高強度、高韌性、低的韌脆轉變溫度、良好的抗疲勞性 能、冷成型性能和焊接性能。用于各類起重吊車、重型 汽車、石油井架、高溫風機、大型電鏟、自卸車及煤礦液 壓支架等。 With high strength, high toughness, low ductile brittle transition temperature, good fatigue resistance, cold forming performance and welding performance, it is used for all kinds of cranes, hey trucks, oil derrick, high temperature fans, large electric shovels, dump trucks and coal mine hydraulic supports.
HG785D HG785E WJX(RZ)159
卡特彼勒專用鋼Caterpillar special steel 1E1247JE0170 1E0650JE0860 1E1006 WJX( RZ )338 綜合性能優(yōu)良的挖掘機專用鋼,已大量應用于挖掘機 挖斗、吊臂、斗桿、轉臺支架和駕駛室。 The special steel for excator with high performance has been widely used in excator bucket, boom, dipper, turntable support and cab.
注:根據用戶的需求,經供需雙方協(xié)商,可提供其他標準的工程機械用鋼。 Remarks: Other standard and steel grade can be supplied per users' requirements after agreed by both supplier and users. 產品尺寸Product Size
牌號 Brand 鋼板 Steel plate, mm 原卷Original coil, mm 精整卷 Skin-pass coil, mm
DB590、DB685 3.0 ~ 20.0 x 900 ~ 2000 x 2000?12000 3.0 ~ 20.0 x 900 ~ 2000 x C 3.0 ~ 12.7 x 900 ~ 2000 x C
HJ58C、HJ58D、 HJ58E 3.0 ~ 20.0 x 900?2000 x 2000 ~ 12000 3.0 ~ 20.0 x 900 ~ 2000 x C 3.0 ~ 12.7 x 900 ~ 2000 x C
HG70C、HG70D、HG70E 3.0?20.0 x 900 ~ 2000x 2000 ~ 12000 3.0 ~ 20.0 x 900?2000 x C 3.0 12.7 x 900 ~ 2000 x C
HG785D.HG785E 3.0 ~ 16.0 x 900 ~ 2000 x 2000 ~ 12000 3.0 ~ 16.0 x 900 ~ 2000 x C 3.0 ~ 12.7 x 900 ~ 2000 x C
1E1247 3.0 ~ 20.0 x 900 ~ 2100 x 2000 ~ 12000 3.0 ~ 20.0 x 900?2100 x C 3.0 ~ 12.7 x 900 ~ 2100 x C
1E0170JE0650s 1E0860 2.0 ~ 25.0 x 900 ~ 2100 x 2000?12000 2.0 ~ 25.0 x 900 ~ 2100 x C 2.0 ~ 12.7 x 900 ~ 2100 x C
1E1006 3.0 ~ 20.0 x 900 ~ 2100 x 2000?12000 3.0 ~ 20.0 x 900 ~ 2100 x C 3.0?20.0 x 900 2100 x C
尺寸及外形允許偏差Size&Appearance Tolerance 執(zhí)行GB/T709標準。根據供需雙方協(xié)議,可提供其他尺寸公差的產品。 It is as per GB/T709. Products with other dimension tolerance can be provided as per agreements between both supplier and users. 化學成分(一)(wt%)Chemical Composition 1
牌號 Brand C Si Mn P S Cu Nb B Mo Ni
DB590 W0.18 W0.55 W1.70 W 0.025 W0.015 W0.35 W0.08 蕓0.003 W0.30
DB685 W0.08 W0.50 W1.80 W 0.025 W0.015 W0.70 W0.10 W0.003 W0.40 W0.50
如果C含量比規(guī)定值每降低0.01%,允許Mn含量比規(guī)定值提高0.05%,但Mn含量不超過2.00%。 If the C content is 0.01% lower than the max. value provided, the Mn content is allowed to be 0.05% higher than the max. value provided, but the max. Mn content should not exceed 2.0%.
化學成分(二)(wt%)Chemical Composition 2
牌號Brand C Si Mn P S Mo Cr Nb+V+T Ni B Pcm
HJ58 W0.18 W0.55 W1.80 W 0.020 W 0.020 W0.30 W0.15
HG70 W0.12 W0.40 W1.80 w 0.025 W0.015 W0.40 W0.60 0.03 ~ 0.25 W0.60 W0.005 W0.25
HG785 W0.15 W0.40 W1.80 W 0.025 W0.015 W0.60 W0.60 0.03 ~ 0.25 <0.60 <0.005 W0.25
Pcm = C+Si/30+(Mn+Cu+Cr)/20+Mo/15+Ni/60+V/10+5B 如果C含量比規(guī)定值每降低0.01%,允許Mn含量比規(guī)定值提高0.05%,但Mn含量不超過2.00%。 If the C content is 0.01% lower than the max. value provided, the Mn content is allowed to be 0.05% higher than the max. value provided, but the max. Mn content should not exceed 2.0%.
化學成分(三)(wt%)Chemical Composition3
牌號Brand C Si Mn P S Als
1E1247 W0.16 <0.40 W1.65 W 0.025 wo.oio N0.020
1E0170 =$0.22 W0.15 =$1.50 W 0.025 W 0.020 5=0.020
1E0650 =$0.22 W0.15 =$1.50 W 0.025 W 0.020 5=0.020
1E0860 W0.25 W0.50 W1.60 W 0.025 W0.015 N 0.020
1E1006 W0.20 W0.55 W1.60 W 0.025 W 0.035 N 0.020
力學性能Mechanical Property
牌號Brand 屈服強度 Yield strength ReL, MPa 抗拉強度 Tensile strength Rm, MPa 伸長率 Elongation % 沖擊試驗(縱向)Impact test(Longitudinal) 180°冷彎試驗 (]=彎心直徑3=試樣厚度180°Cold bend test d=Bend diameter a=Sample thickness
KV2, J
o°c -20°C -30°C -40°C
DB590 N450 570 ~ 720 N20 N47 d=2a
DB685 N590 N685 N16 N47 d=2a
HJ58C ^460 570 ~ 720 ,17 ,47 d=3a
HJ58D ^460 570 ~ 720 ,17 、47 d=3a
HJ58E 2460 570 ~ 720 N17 N47 d=3a
HG70C 2590 2685 N17 247 d=2a
HG70D 2590 N685 N17 40 d=2a
HG70E 2590 N685 N17 N27 d=2a
HG785D 2685 N785 N15 240 d=3a
HG785E 2685 N785 N15 N27 d=3a
1E1247 N550 m620 N21 d=1.7***
1E0170 N290 m435 N20
1E0650 N290 N435 N20 N11
1E0860 N290 N435 N22 N22
1E1006 N450 >560 N17