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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-03-12 11:33 編輯:Cnews 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)
伊斯蘭共和國(guó)政府繼續(xù)收緊原材料的出口, 考慮到現(xiàn)有的措施不足。盡管官員打算增加國(guó)內(nèi)鐵礦石的供應(yīng),一些消息人士認(rèn)為這可能會(huì)導(dǎo)致回旋鏢的效應(yīng)。新任工業(yè)部副部長(zhǎng)達(dá)里什·伊斯梅利(Dariush Ismaili)宣布,他打算
    伊斯蘭共和國(guó)政府繼續(xù)收緊原材料的出口, 考慮到現(xiàn)有的措施不足。盡管官員打算增加國(guó)內(nèi)鐵礦石的供應(yīng),一些消息人士認(rèn)為這可能會(huì)導(dǎo)致回旋鏢的效應(yīng)。

新任工業(yè)部副部長(zhǎng)達(dá)里什·伊斯梅利(Dariush Ismaili)宣布,他打算提高出口關(guān)稅并從伊朗到外國(guó)方向停止鐵礦石的出貨。盡管當(dāng)?shù)卣?019年9月23日開始征收25%的出口稅, 它的使用率被認(rèn)為不足以防止國(guó)內(nèi)市場(chǎng)上原材料的短缺, metal Expert 了解到。

這個(gè)決定它可能對(duì)采礦業(yè)產(chǎn)生負(fù)面影響?!斑@將對(duì)鐵礦石的生產(chǎn)有不利影響,因?yàn)橥顿Y采礦和找礦沒有任何意義”,對(duì)此情況很熟悉的當(dāng)?shù)叵⑷耸拷ometal Expert說。值得注意的是外部銷售中的硬通貨為原材料生產(chǎn)商提供了主要支持。

同時(shí),根據(jù)幾個(gè)因素判斷可能的后果還為時(shí)過早。首先,伊朗的一年即將結(jié)束,因此可能以較慢的方式做出決定。此外,由于冠狀病毒,該國(guó)的休假時(shí)間可能會(huì)延長(zhǎng)?!拔蚁嘈盼覀儽仨氃?月底市場(chǎng)完全開放時(shí)進(jìn)行討論,” 一位內(nèi)行人士給metal Expert說到。

Iran’s ministry considers iron ore export restrictions as insufficient, mulls new measures

10 March 20

The government of the Islamic Republic continues to tighten control over exports of raw materials, considering the existing measures insufficient. While the officials intend to increase local iron ore supply with such an approach, it may lead to a boomerang effect, some sources believe.

The new deputy minister of industry Dariush Ismaili announced an intention to increase the export tariff and stop iron ore shipments from Iran to foreign destinations. Although the local government imposed a 25% export duty on September 23, 2019, its rate is considered insufficient to prevent a raw materials shortage in the local market, metal Expert understands.

With all good intentions in mind, such a move may have an adverse effect on the mining sector. “It will affect badly on the production of iron ore, because there will be no sense in investing in mining and exploration,” a local source familiar with the situation told metal Expert. Hard currency from export sales provides the main support to raw material producers in their operating performance. “But we need more concentrate for our pelletizing plants and steelmaking facilities to balance value chain,” the source added.

At the same time, it is too early to predict consequences amid several factors. First of all, the year is coming to an end in Iran, so decisions may be taken in a slower mode. Moreover, the holiday period is likely to be extended in the country due to the coronavirus epidemy. “I believe we have to discuss it at the end of April when the market opens completely,” an insider told metal Expert.


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